Sunday, October 25, 2009

Celestina Acts 1-2

1. The first scene in "Celestina" where Calisto is in Melibea's garden relates a lot to religion. Calisto talks a lot about how he deserves a reward for the services and sacrifices that he has performed and that God should grant him a place in heaven as a saint. I thought that this was interesting considering he never really goes into any of the sacrifices or services that he has performed, and ironically, he is in a garden. A garden, in literature, almost always refers to the Garden of Eden and the "chosen ones," Adam and Eve. In this scene, Calisto believes that he is of the chosen ones and he deserves to live the life that Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, at least until they ate the fruit from the tree. Melibea reacts and gets upset with Calisto for saying such things and that he does not deserve such a life. I think that she scolds him for this because he is in a garden, which is symbolically crucial. I am not sure if Melibea actually means everything that she says- I think that she is more concerned that Calisto is being so pompous while in the presence of God.

3. I found the character of Celestina to be very motherly and kind of reminded me of, not to stereotype, but an Italian mother. She is quick to forgive Sempronio for being gone for so long without any word from him and sit him down and talk with him. She attempts to cover up Elicia's lover, or client, who is upstairs to ensure that Sempronio is happy when he walks in the door. She somewhat neglects Elicia because she has missed Sempronio, which I think is very stereotypical, for a mother to care so much for her son. [Not that she doesn't care for her daughter, but a son's relationship with his mother is much different from one with her daughter.] Celestina is also very upset when Parmeno is harsh to her, because she raised him when his mother left him. She is very motherly and is upset with his accusations. She quickly forgives and tells him that she loves him although he is not worthy of her love. Celestina is a very interesting character in her mood- but that is what makes her character so complex.

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