Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Decameron [3.3, 3.6, 3.9, 4.3, 4.9]

3. I found this story to be one of my favorites from "The Decameron." I liked how it wasn't the male, but the female who was the brains of the operation. At first, Beltramo wants nothing to do with Giletta and basically tells her that he will come back when the impossible happens. Giletta finds a way around this and tricks Beltramo and ultimately gets him back in the end. I think that Beltramo's new love to Giletta is very false by the end of the story. It is all about lust and luck. It is not true love and that is how a lot of the relationships in "The Decameron" are.

4. This story reminds me a lot of the story where the woman slept with 9 men. Each of them died by the next lover killing them. It was an ongoing process that never ended. I feel as though this story is a lot like that. Personally, I think that this story was a confusing web of mixed up lovers who are unaware of what they truly want, so they resort to killing. I never think that killing is a justified reason for anything. I believe that this story is morally wrong, considering the third sister had nothing to do with the killings and her and her lover were blamed.

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